Different sized headers?

Hi! Wierd, and very small question:
Is it possible to set the theme so the different headers (#, ##, ###) have different font sizes and/or colours? I couldn’t find it by searching or when checking out themes when I had a Pro subscription.

I know this might be a bit on the side, regarding the main functions of this app. But it really messes with my head when they are the same size! :nerd_face:

Feel free to move this topic (if possible) if it’s in the wrong section.

Yes. There are a couple of example themes in the directory that have scaled headings. See:

If you want to modify another theme to do this, modify the text.heading.. scopes in the theme. The values in these example themes above should demonstrate the needed options.

I think I’m missing something because I do not see “light gray” or “gray” themes available to tweak in the Theme builder.

Is this right?