Custom Icons for Workspaces/Actions

I have a Noun Project subscription; I would love to use those icons in Drafts for Workspaces and/or Actions.

Since I can customize the colors in Noun Project, I don’t worry too much about the need to do that in Drafts. I would be happy to just import a static image.

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Now that I have a StreamDeck, my interest in custom icons for workspaces and actions in Drafts has been rekindled. It would be great to make both interfaces match.

Is this a possibility?

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How would you envisage this working for workspaces and actions being shared to the directory?

That’s a core part of them; would there not be issues then with encoding and sharing custom icons used for these? It is the same kind of challenge that Shortcuts has been limited by in terms of its gallery. That and I think Apple probably rightly have some concerns about copyrights on some images being a bit of a legal headache.

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That’s a point I never considered; thanks for bringing it up! I guess I don’t upload enough to the directory to be top of mind, but I now understand how that would be a deal-breaker.

Perhaps this question is obviously flawed, but would an “alternate” icon be a solution? The primary icon would be from the Drafts set, and the alternate would be the custom one. The alternate icon would not be shared with others, just synced across devices.

To be clear, I have no idea how difficult what I am asking for is.