Creating Zettelkasten with drafts and the Mac osx Archive app

This may be the same as the approach taken by micahredding. I’m not that clever with Actions etc, but I managed to figure out something that does what I want.
I started with the ‘Make new Zettel’ action by mediapathic and made a couple of tweaks to make it do exactly what I wanted.
It creates a note to my Archive folder in Dropbox, with the filename as ccyymmddhhmm.
I’ve messed with the note formatting a bit until it creates the note in the format I want, including header block, note-id, tags etc.
For example, from this Draft…

Zettel from Drafts test

This is a test of the send to TheArchive action.

I get this in TheArchive…

ID: [[202202172054]]
Title: Zettel from Drafts test
**Created: 2022-02-17 20:54 - Thu **
Tags: #inbox
# Zettel from Drafts test

This is a test of the send to TheArchive action.

Happy to upload this if anyone wants this as a variation.