Create crosslinked tasks / notes between Craft and Todoist, Things or Omnifocus

Inspired by a Craft user i initially created an action to crosslink a task in things and a note in Craft. Since I‘m a Todoist user i quickly created a similar action for todoist. And now I was asked by a user in the forum here to adapt the action for Omnifocus.
I’m happy to share that the cross linking is now available for the three big task management apps Todoist, Things and now Omnifocus.
You can download them in the action directory:

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If you’re following this thread please be aware that I just fixed an issue in each of those actions.

I was pointed to this issue by a user of the Things<>Craft crosslink action - thank you again!

The actions got hit by stricter parameter checking. I updated them and they should work as expected again.
Please update your Actions.