Count Drafts from script?

I’d like to count the total number of drafts from a script, Applescript or bash, whatever really, just something I can automate and run avery day or so and get a figure out with the number of drafts.
Is that possible?

Could you explain what you are trying to accomplish with that information? The draft count is already displayed in the UI in the draft list, and can be enabled as a badge on the app icon.

What count exactly are you looking for, the current number of drafts in the inbox?

sure, i want to graph my note count across obsidian, Notes and Drafts v time. obviously i don’t want to manually enter this , id like to get the number somehow via either a bash script, applescript or shortcut maybe.

Counting Apple Notes, run on Mac
osascript -e 'tell application "Notes" to count every note'

Counting markdown files in vault
find ~/Obsidian/Vault1 -type f -name "*.md" |wc -l


This would get you that on Shortcuts…

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