Convert Email Digests to Markdown and then send to OmniFocus

Two Mac-only actions that let you convert an Elixir Radar email digest into Markdown and then optionally into OmniFocus. With some work (maybe none) the code would work with other emailed digests. Here’s a chunk of what the first action expects as input on the clipboard, copied from your Mail client:

A Brief Guide to OTP in Elixir

Gints Dreimanis gives an overview of what OTP is, as well as a clear explanation of processes, GenServer, and Supervisor.
Elixir 1.11 and Erlang Docs

Elixir 1.11 gives you the ability to show the docs for Erlang functions. This is a short guide to help you get it working if you encountered any problems.

So it’s just a link or two followed by a description. The first action, Elixir Radar (RTF) Email Import creates a new Draft from appropriate clipboard content. In this case the results look like this:

# Elixir Radar Reading List

[A Brief Guide to OTP in Elixir](  
Gints Dreimanis gives an overview of what OTP is, as well as a clear explanation of processes, GenServer, and Supervisor.  
[Elixir 1.11 and Erlang Docs](  
Elixir 1.11 gives you the ability to show the docs for Erlang functions. This is a short guide to help you get it working if you encountered any problems.  

The second action Elixir Radar (Markdown) to OmniFocus then sends the list of articles from the Markdown draft to OmniFocus tasks.

The scripts have a couple of configuration options, but they were really just learning exercises for me. Some of the operations required help from the community so I thought I’d share the actions for anyone else interested in clipboards, RTF, Markdown, OmniFocus, x-callback-url, integration with email messages.