Building a Monthly Archive

The goal: Write out every draft from the previous month to a text file according to a template.

I’ve hacked together a rough version of this based off of @drdrang’s Assemble Diary action, modified thusly:

// Start a new draft;

// Get all the "diary" drafts in the inbox
var diaryDrafts = Draft.query("", "inbox");

// Assemble
var ds = draft.processTemplate("[[date|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z]]");
var diaryContent = "Diary as of " + ds + "\n\n";
for (var i=0; i<diaryDrafts.length; i++) {
	var stamp = diaryDrafts[i].processTemplate("[[created|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z]]") + "\n" + diaryDrafts[i].processTemplate("[[created_latitude]], [[created_longitude]]") + "\n" + diaryDrafts[i].processTemplate("[[tags]]") + "\n";
	diaryContent += stamp + diaryDrafts[i].content + "\n\n";
	diaryDrafts[i].isArchived = true;

// Make the diary

As is likely obvious to someone with more JavaScript Kung Fu than I, I’ve built some of my template into the script itself. I’d much rather call out to a template file like:

#### [[title]]


###### [[created|%Y-%m-%dT%k-%M-%S-%z]] | [[created_latitude]], [[created_longitude]] | [[tags]]


I know I need two things:

  1. The JS necessary to accomplish Draft.query("[[created]] is last month", "inbox")
  2. To remove the templating from the JS itself.
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  1. You cannot specify a date range in a query…so you would have to handle it by filtering your results. The Inbox Sweeper example action demonstrates a way to do this, but roughly:
// define the cutoff date
let cutoffDate =; // 31 days ago
// query all inbox drafts
let queriedDrafts = Draft.query("", "inbox", [], [], "created", false);
// filter out any older than cutoffDate
let filteredDrafts = queriedDrafts.filter(d => d.createdAt > cutoffDate);
// now use `filteredDrafts` in your loop...
  1. The Define Template Tag exists primarily for this need. Put one of these steps before your script step, put your template in it, and give it a name, like my-template. Then in your script, you can just make that change the line as follows:
var stamp = diaryDrafts[i].processTemplate("[[my-template]]");
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Thank you Greg for the quick response!!!

I apologize for asking some more rudimentary questions, but I’m unclear as to how to rewrite Drang’s script around calling out to that template. I wonder if you wouldn’t mind amending his script with the appropriate changes; to strip out the formatting from the script and house it? I’d love some comments to help me learn what each line is doing.

var date = draft.processTemplate("[[date|%Y-%m-%d]]");
var diaryContent = "# " + date + " -- Drafts Log" + "\n\n";
for (var i=0; i<diaryDrafts.length; i++) {
   var stamp = diaryDrafts[i].processTemplate("[[monthly-log]]");
	diaryContent += "### " + diaryDrafts[i].content + "\n" + stamp + "\n" + "****" + "\n\n";
	diaryDrafts[i].isArchived = true;

Something like this for the loop would work…assuming you setup the define template step as described:

for (var i=0; i<diaryDrafts.length; i++) {
    // create the new templatized version for this draft...
    let newContent = diaryDrafts[i].processTemplate("[[my-template]]");
    // add it to the complete content...
    diaryContent = diaryContent + newContent;

    diaryDrafts[i].isArchived = true;

Minor quibble, but I would rewrite the loop without the C-style index to make it more readable, like:

for (let d of diaryDrafts) {
    // create the new templatized version for this draft...
    let newContent = d.processTemplate("[[my-template]]");
    // add it to the complete content...
    diaryContent = diaryContent + newContent;

    d.isArchived = true;

Still hitting the wall :frowning_face:

I’ve got a Define Template Tag step called monthly-log that looks like this:


#### [[title]]


###### [[created|%Y-%m-%dT%k-%M-%S-%z]] | [[created_latitude]], [[created_longitude]] | [[tags]]


And then a Script step:

// Start a new draft;

// Get all the "diary" drafts in the inbox
var diaryDrafts = Draft.query("", "inbox");

// Assemble
var date = draft.processTemplate("[[date|%Y-%m-%d]]");
var diaryContent = "# " + date + " -- Drafts Log" + "\n\n";
for (let d of diaryDrafts) {
    // create the new templatized version for this draft...
    let newContent = d.processTemplate("[[monthly-log]]");
    // add it to the complete content...
    diaryContent = diaryContent + newContent;

    d.isArchived = true;

// Make the diary
let fm = FileManager.createCloud();
fm.writeString(date+" -- Drafts Log"+".md", diaryContent);

I promise I’m not being intentionally dense :smile:

Are you getting an error in the log?

I’m not getting an error at this point, but I hope this will help shed some light on the problem:

I’m listening to you on MPU at the moment, btw. Nice to put a voice to your name :slight_smile:

Just a friendly nudge :slight_smile: Let me know what else I can provide to understand the state of play.

I had a similar problem that I couldn’t seem to get to work reliably, and after sending a test script to @agiletortoise , they discovered that the template tag functionality was struggling with nested tags, and said this would get fixed in a future update when this functionality was rewritten.

I avoided the problem by simply keeping the templates inside the js-script and it works perfectly. Use the new multiline strings with backticks to make it more readable and easier to maintain.

So in your case, I would just store the template at the top of the script for easy access like this:

let template = `****

#### [[title]]


###### [[created|%Y-%m-%dT%k-%M-%S-%z]] | [[created_latitude]], [[created_longitude]] | [[tags]]


and then later in the script you can process it like before:

let diarycontent = d.processTemplate(template);

@steinar’s answer is the correct one. The “Define Template Tag” step is for defining a value to be inserted with a template. You are trying to use it to define a template. Tags inside that value will not necessarily be evaluated because the template engine is not recursive.

Basically, a template tag should not contain more template tags.

Thank you both for chiming in. The adjustment you recommended @steinar worked perfectly, though that naturally means I see one more change I’d like to make :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to adjust my final tag output, and so I’ve added something @agiletortoise helped me with previously. I’ve got the script set up thusly:

// Get all the "diary" drafts in the inbox
var diaryDrafts = Draft.query("", "inbox");

// Print tags with GitLab quick action syntax
let tags = => `~${t}`).join(" ");
draft.setTemplateTag("formattedtags", tags);
// use [[formattedtags]] in subsequent action steps

// Declare the Final Template
let template = `#### [[title]]
###### [[created|%Y-%m-%dT%k-%M-%S-%z]] | [[created_latitude]],[[created_longitude]] | [[formattedtags]]


// Start a new draft;

// Assemble
var date = draft.processTemplate("[[date|%Y-%m-%d]]");
var diaryContent = "## " + date + " -- Drafts Log" + "\n\n";
for (let d of diaryDrafts) {
    // create the new templatized version for this draft...
    let newContent = d.processTemplate(template);
    // add it to the complete content...
    diaryContent = diaryContent + newContent;

    d.isArchived = true;

// Make the diary
let fm = FileManager.createCloud();
fm.writeString(date+" -- Drafts Log"+".md", diaryContent);

and instead of the tags themselves, I’m getting [[formattedtags]] in my output.

Template tags are specific to a draft. You are setting the custom tag on the draft, but then processing the template on a different draft (the d variable). I think you actually want the tags to be derived from each individual draft you are looping over as well…so move that to the loop, like:

for (let d of diaryDrafts) {
    let tags = => `~${t}`).join(" ");
    d.setTemplateTag("formattedtags", tags);

    // create the new templatized version for this draft...
    let newContent = d.processTemplate(template);
    // add it to the complete content...
    diaryContent = diaryContent + newContent;

    d.isArchived = true;

Thank you sir! Y’all have got me quite a bit closer to having Drafts act as my front-end to GitLab Issues :smiley:

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