Was messing around with Apple Notes this evening - contemplating moving to it full time (from Bear and others). And when I was messing with Notes on my iMac Desktop, I saw there is a ‘link’ icon at the top. When I clicked on that, one of the options was “Open Drafts - Blank”. See screen shot below.
When I then clicked on the icon/link, it dropped the same into the “New Note” in the Notes app. When I then clicked on that icon/link in the Note, I got the following error. Not sure if this is a bug in Notes, or Drafts, or something is amiss with my install but wanted to share just incase this may be a bug within the Drafts app itself.
I didn’t explicitly initiate or do anything to have that Drafts link appear in the “Links” drop down within Notes app. It just appeared there when I clicked on the link icon in Notes.