Adding events to calendar

Hi, can anyone let me know if Drafts can create events like this… Throughout the day I want to quickly create a Draft about what I am doing (sort of like a diary / log). Then, I can go back and process the entires (or process them right after I enter them). I would like:

  • The draft text to be the title of the event (or maybe the first line of the Draft be the title and the rest be the description)
  • The start and end date/time be the date/time the Draft was created
  • The location of the event be the location the Draft was created

Yes, I think you could create an action to create calendar entries like that.

Start from the Action by the Drafts Developer

Create and event using the system event card. First line of the draft is used as the title, remaining text as notes. Additional values can be configured when running the action.

or use a calendar app like fantastiCal or BusyCal with url-schemes - there are published actions on the Action Directory

To generate multiple calender entries from one single draft note try to split it with a Script Action Step (JavaScript)

are you familiar with scripting?

you could ask Kirk Strausser