What is wrong with this code for it to create a “new/different” page instead of prepending to the existing one? (Mixed use on both iOS and OS)
bear://x-callback-url/add-text?text=[[date]]%0A[[draft]]%0A***&title={{Dreams: [[date|%Y/%m]]}}&tags=dreams/[[date|%Y/%m]]&mode=prepend&exclude_trashed=yes&x-success=drafts5:
When you create two entries in a row on the same device are you getting two notes in Bear with the same title or some other result?
I just did a little bit of testing. Could not find an exact pattern, but it seems Bear currently has some bugs locating the note by name. Seems unpredictable, but it’s definitely on their end…your URL seems fine.
Everything is fine when using the same device. A second file(duplicate) is only created when using the device that did not originally create the file.
Thank you… Drafts is such an amazing app!
That result suggests it is a sync delay, BUT if Greg has done some testing and got odd results maybe try going with the simplest example you can. One not dependent on Drafts. Use it to do a series of tests, and then feed that back to the Bear developer(s) to investigate further.