A Drafts URL Factory?

Would it be useful to create a set of actions to automate the creation of Drafts URLs?

If I did it it would create URLs in a form that could be pasted into eg a Launcher widget.

Examples of what I think would be useful URLs to automate the creation of are:

  • Open the current draft
  • Switch to the current workspace
  • Run a specific Action
  • Append to the current draft.(Tricky as what UI?)

I want some of these myself so I might well build them.


I do occasionally find myself creating URLs for actions, enough that I’ve got a LazyBoard snippet for a Drafts action URL (though that still requires me to encode an action’s title…)

Not sure I see myself using the others that often, but I still do think it’d be useful to have a URL factory as you describe, even if it only serves as a starting point for other uses we can’t yet anticipate. So if you’re asking for expressions of interest, it’s a yes from me.

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I would find this useful.

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So I spent a happy hour confecting this:

// Confect URL to open the current draft, using its UUID
URL = "drafts://x-callback-url/open?uuid="+draft.uuid

// Prompt for action name - for Launcher
var p = Prompt.create();

p.title = "For Launcher";
p.message = "Type in launcher name. (Not needed to copy URL to the clipboard.)";

p.addTextField("LauncherName", "Launcher Name", "");

p.addButton("Create Launcher")
p.addButton("Copy To Clipboard")

var didSelect = p.show();

var launcherName = p.fieldValues["LauncherName"];

if (p.buttonPressed == "Create Launcher") {
  // do something
  app.openURL("launcher://x-callback-url/addnew?name=" + encodeURI(launcherName) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(URL))
}else if(p.buttonPressed == "Copy To Clipboard"){
  // Copy URL to clipboard

If you place this in a 1-step action it enables you to create a URL to open the current draft.

You can either create a Launcher launcher (sic) with a name you specify, or copy the generated URL to the clipboard.

For the launcher the app prompts you as to which widget to add this launcher to.

Tweaks gratefully received.


Minor point, but at least in the case of a draft, it would be preferred to use the draft.permalink property (docs).

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Thanks. Works nicely and is much simpler.

So I updated that script per @agiletortoise’s suggestion:

// Confect URL to open the current draft, using its UUID
URL = draft.permalink

// Prompt for action name - for Launcher
var p = Prompt.create();

p.title = "For Launcher";
p.message = "Type in launcher name. (Not needed to copy URL to the clipboard.)";

p.addTextField("LauncherName", "Launcher Name", "");

p.addButton("Create Launcher")
p.addButton("Copy To Clipboard")

var didSelect = p.show();

var launcherName = p.fieldValues["LauncherName"];

if (p.buttonPressed == "Create Launcher") {
  // do something
  app.openURL("launcher://x-callback-url/addnew?name=" + encodeURI(launcherName) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(URL))
}else if(p.buttonPressed == "Copy To Clipboard"){
  // Copy URL to clipboard
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And here’s a similar one to create a link to select the current workspace:

// Confect URL to open the current workspace, using its name
URL = "drafts://x-callback-url/workspace?name=" + app.currentWorkspace.name

// Prompt for action name - for Launcher
var p = Prompt.create();

p.title = "For Launcher";
p.message = "Type in launcher name. (Not needed to copy URL to the clipboard.)";

p.addTextField("LauncherName", "Launcher Name", "");

p.addButton("Create Launcher")
p.addButton("Copy To Clipboard")

var didSelect = p.show();

var launcherName = p.fieldValues["LauncherName"];

if (p.buttonPressed == "Create Launcher") {
  // do something
  app.openURL("launcher://x-callback-url/addnew?name=" + encodeURI(launcherName) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(URL))
}else if(p.buttonPressed == "Copy To Clipboard"){
  // Copy URL to clipboard

I’m almost at the point of replicating my large Drafts widget in Launcher - using these scripts. Just a few more to go.

The advantage will be that Launcher can be denser and I might get away with a smaller widget - or one with both my favourite workspaces and actions in.

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I’m stuck on something:

Ideally I’d like to get a reference to the current Action Group - if that’s meaningful.

Failing that I’d like a list of the installed action group names.

Failing that a list of all the installed action names.

I don’t know if I can do any of the above.

The idea is to automate the creation of a URL to run an action. I’d hate to ask the user to type in the name of an action group. I think if I did I could still get a list of action names in that group.


Second two can definitely be done.

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So something like:

let groups = ActionGroup.getAll()
// let groups = TA_actionGroupNames()

let p = Prompt.create()
	p.title = "Select action group"
	p.message = "Choose action group for selection of action"
	let ix = 0
	for (let gs of groups) {
		p.addButton(gs.name, ix)
		// p.addButton(gs[ix], ix)

let didSelect = p.show()

let group = ActionGroup.find(groups[p.buttonPressed].name)
let actions = group.actions

let pAc = Prompt.create()
	pAc.title = "Select action"
	pAc.message = "select action to link"
	let ax = 0
	for (let action of actions) {
		pAc.addButton(action.name, ax)

let didSelectAction = pAc.show()


…or an MGCheckListPrompt using a TA_actionNames() array so you could filter down the list by tapping in the first few letters of an action’s name?

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Thank you. That’s encouragement @sylumer.

And thanks @jsamlarose …

… I didn’t realise there was a getAll() method for ActionGroup.

BTW I think there is a selection control in Prompt that I can use, though buttons might work better. Tomorrow I’ll experiment.

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Let me know how you get on if you use a selection control— that would obviously make for a more compact prompt. I think I mocked this up with buttons simply because it was slightly easier.

That said, I know I refer to it often, but my money would still be on an MGCheckListPrompt for filtering. Invoke, tap a few letters, select, boom.

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Actually I got started. What I found with Prompt.selection is it doesn’t return the index of the selected item.

So I prepended each selection item with the index (+1).

Then, on return from the dialog I took the item value and hacked the index (+1) off the front.

I have duplicate action groups - so I was in a position to need index number.

I would love to be able to get the selection index directly but never mind.

Prompt’s selection control does look pretty.

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So I’m not wowed by this one - as I think there’s something missing from the Drafts URL Scheme…

… You will see fragments of an attempt to run an action using its UUID. Unfortunately /runAction Doesn’t supporter a uuid= parameter.

I’ve ended up with two “Basic” action groups and I’m very sure these contain duplicate action names. I’ve had to use the action name in the URL. I don’t know which will actually run.

@agiletortoise any chance of runAction getting a uuid= parameter?

Anyhow this action prompts you for an Action Group. Based on the one you select it prompts you with a list of actions. In common with the previous two actions it then gives you the choice of copying the generated URL to the clipboard or creating a Launcher launcher.

actionGroups = ActionGroup.getAll()
actionGroupNames = []
for(i = 0; i < actionGroups.length;i++){
  actionGroupNames.push((i+1).toString()+ " " + actionGroups[i].name)

// Prompt for action group name - for Launcher
var p1 = Prompt.create();

p1.title = "For Launcher";

p1.addSelect("ActionGroups","Action Groups",actionGroupNames,[],false)
p1.addButton("Use Action Group")

var didSelect1 = p1.show()

if (p1.buttonPressed == "Use Action Group") {
  // We've selected an action group and maybe a launcher name - so pick an action
  var launcherName = p1.fieldValues["LauncherName"];
  var actionGroup =p1.fieldValues["ActionGroups"]
  actionGroupIndex = Number(actionGroup.toString().split(" ")[0].trim()) - 1

  actionGroup = actionGroups[actionGroupIndex]
  actionNames = []
  actions = actionGroup.actions

  for(i=0; i < actions.length; i++){
    actionNames.push((i + 1).toString() + " " + actions[i].name)

  var p2 = Prompt.create()

  p2.message = "Type in launcher name. (Not needed to copy URL to the clipboard.)";

  p2.addTextField("LauncherName", "Launcher Name", "");

  p2.addSelect("Actions", "Actions", actionNames,[],false)
  p2.addButton("Create Launcher")
  p2.addButton("Copy To Clipboard")

  var didSelect2 = p2.show()
  var actions2 = p2.fieldValues["Actions"]
  //actionIndex = Number(actions2.toString().split(" ")[0].trim()) - 1

  actionNameArray = actions2.toString().split(" ")
  URL = "drafts://x-callback-url/runAction?text=&action=" + encodeURIComponent(actionNameArray.join(" "))
  if(p2.buttonPressed == "Create Launcher"){
    var launcherName = p2.fieldValues["LauncherName"]

    app.openURL("launcher://x-callback-url/addnew?name=" + encodeURI(launcherName) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(URL))
  }else if(p2.buttonPressed == "Copy To Clipboard"){
    // Copy URL to clipboard

Flip it around. /open supports both UUID and action together.

Sorry, I meant the action’s UUID - which it certainly has. Not the draft’s.

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I don’t remember seeing a UUID for actions in the JSON they get exported to. I was pretty sure I added them all the properties (at the time at least) in for the TA_populateMore action function.

It sounds like it might just be a case of doing some housekeeping and tidying up your action names if they are not currently unique.

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Right; I probably will tidy up.

However the action object in Drafts javascript has a UUID. It would be better - for uniqueness - if Drafts supported it as part of the URL scheme. A nit, I know.

Actions do not have persistent, portable UUIDs. They should be identified by unique name.

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