Using Lists and Tasks

So here is my solution for “lists”: [disclaimer: I got some inspiration from other users in this great community but I cant remember who exactly. I recycled some code / actions which where shared from them, so the credit simply goes to the comunity :slight_smile: ]
I use a tag “ref_list” for all my lists in drafts. every list has a title like “# Reading” with the listtag “ref_list”. This tag can be changed in the actions, but it wont work without a specific tag for your lists.

  1. When I want to add something to a list I use my action Add to list.
    This action will create a prompt with the titles of all my available lists (e.g. Reading, Movies, Music,…), this will work dynamically so if I create a new list with the same tag, the next time I use this action, the title will appear, too. The last Button in the Prompt is “CREATE NEW LIST” so everytime I need to setup a new list, this can simply be done by this button and the action will prompt to set the title of the new list and afterwards add the content to this new list. (the title will be markdown formatted e.g. “# my new list” and the elements will be added as simple list item “- my item”.

  2. When I need to see / review one of my lists, I use the action Show List which will create a prompt (like the action add to list) and create a button with the titles of my list drafts (based on the tag “ref_list”). After selection a list, the specific draft will be loaded into the editor. If there is now draft with the tag “ref_list” then no button will appear in the prompt.

  3. I played around with sorting the lists, with the action Sort Simple List. This action will move every done item in a simple list (“- ”) to the bottom of the draft into a section with the heading “## done” every other item will stay at the top, and they wont be reordered. Mainly I used this for e.g. a list of links I wanted to checkout and dont delete directly…

  4. When I want to cleanup a list (remove the done items) i use the action clean done items in simple list which will remove every line which includes a done item (and also remove the heading “## done”)

I hope this helps you, if you have questions or problems, just ask :slight_smile: