URL scheme to open an existing text file in Drafts 5?

I see the helpful topic on linking to a Draft, but I’m wondering how I would write a URL scheme to open a .txt file in Drafts 5, one that may have never been opened in Drafts before. There’s the open scheme, but it requires a UUID. Sorry if I’m just not understanding how the UUIDs work…

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This is iOS so it will depend on where the text file is coming from.

Let’s say it is sitting in the root of my Dropbox folder.

You can’t do this in Drafts URL scheme alone . You can write a script using the Dropbox script actions ( http://reference.getdrafts.com/objects/Dropbox.html ).

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Alternatively a long press on the ‘ + ‘ gives you the option to import file

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Yes, if you are in Drafts, definitely long press the ‘ + ‘ to import the Dropbox text file.

If you are in Dropbox app, the easiest way is the iOS sharesheet. Choose export and specifically tap Open In…, then Drafts.

If you want to create an iOS url scheme associated with the UUID of your Drafts document, here’s an example:


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