TIP: Install Number and Punctuation Keyboard Group

Revisiting this great tip – and wondering if anyone has already addressed the following: What would also be great is a keyboard group that focuses on frequently used punctuation – especially for the iPhone. It’s a pain to have to switch keyboards to type a comma or an apostrophe, for example. I’m thinking of putting one together myself, but first I thought I’d see if anyone already has one.

I’ve not seen anything like this posted to the Drafts Action gallery. Anyone have something like this?

Personally, I’d put them in this order:


and so on

This can get really fancy:

  • for example, on the “iPhone Communications” workspace, I would have not only a designated default Actions Group but also a specific keyboard, which would have “@” on it even though the keyboard for the “iPhone - Notes” workspace wouldn’t’ have that.
  • Though all of this is less crucial if you have a good external keyboard (I love the Brydge), even there, one could use this to set up some assigned keyboard shortcuts, in case you happen not to be using TextExpander. (But why wouldn’t you use TextExpander???)
  • Another point, while I’m at it: especially on the iPhone, I find that having three short rows of keyboards (with the default in the middle) and “flicking” up or down between them is much faster and less disruptive than having a long row with lots of options and having to slide back and forth along them. (Plus it has a huge advantage over Apple’s built-in way of switching to the number/symbols keyboard screen, in that it doesn’t keep switching back to the alpha-screen if you hit “return”.)

Anyway, if anyone has made a keyboard group like this, please post it to the directory!