So where do I start?

All good. I’ll take a stab at some of these and I’m sure others will jump in to add on and/or correct me…

Tags <-> workspaces: along with raw text (query strings), tags can be used to help define filters for workspaces. So I can have a “people” workspace based on all drafts that have a “people” tag. Workspaces can be defined through the “manage workspaces” panel (top of the workspaces menu on iOS) or via actions. I’m going through a phase of trying to keep my workspaces menu as minimal as possible, so I’m experimenting with a limited, base set of primary workspaces in the workspaces menu, with an action group that serves as a launcher for a series of secondary workspaces.

Workspaces don’t have to be defined by tags or text queries. They can be defined by date queries, too. So it’s pretty simple to set up a “Modified Yesterday” workspace, for example.

For your thinking around capturing stuff in Drafts then returning at a later date to file or process things, you may wish to consider the easiest way to discern what you have/haven’t already processed. Some people like to work with an “Inbox” workspace that only displays untagged drafts; as they add tags to their drafts, the inbox is cleared. Others simply archive processed drafts. Any Drafts action can be set to automatically add tags or archive a draft when run successfully.

As far as customisation goes, @Andreas_Haberle has already signposted two of the libraries I consider essential for my Drafts usage: Great Libraries for Draft, which points towards @sylumer’s TADpoLe and @mattgemmell’s html menu system. Pretty advanced, but if you’re even just okay with Javascript, they’re both good to make use of and to learn from.

Hope that’s a helpful starter. Apologies if any of it is more beginner-ish than you needed!