Shortcuts support to create or append to documents

Reading and esp. the following quote, I realy would like to see Drafts expanded to create and append text with Shortcuts:

“Keep It is part of the problem due to its limited adoption of Siri shortcuts in iOS 12 (even after version 1.6 – see footnote above). I like Keep It – it’s the most iOS-like reference manager currently on the market – but I’ve long wished it could create notes and reliably append data to existing notes without having to use x-callback-url. This limitation is common to other note-taking apps that don’t feature any kind of web-based access (see Ulysses, Bear, Agenda, and Drafts). So when I realized that I wanted to save rich text in a note-taking app without actually launching the app itself, I was out of luck.”

That is not currently technically possible with iOS limitations. Background shortcuts cannot receive data from or return data to the Shortcuts app - so x-callback-url is all that is available at this time.

Maybe we’ll see Apple expand on what is possible with Shortcuts in future iOS updates.

Many thanks.

Sad thing :frowning:
Would be great :slight_smile: