Save to Trunk Notes

Add the current draft as a new page in Trunk Notes.
The draft title, i.e. the first line will try to be converted to a WikiWord.
If a page with that title already exists in Trunk Notes the date will be used as the page title.

(From Drafts4 action directory modified to use [[safe_title]] in place of [[title]] to remove ‘#’ etc from title line to ensure safe file entry)

Save to TN action


I really like the way you did this! I didn’t know [[safe_title]] existed, so this is really useful for me. Also, another copy of this action could be really useful with the appending to a page in TrunkNotes, which works similarly, but will create a new page if the title doesn’t exist already.

I didn’t know either until I just saw an answer to another user’s problem with an app save where ‘#’ in the title was the problem.
On seeing the solution I remembered an action back in Drafts 4 that I couldn’t get it to work properly (so abandoned and never used here in Draft 5) and it occurred to me that this would probably solve it!

Yes, the ability to append wpuld be the big win… if I find something to do the trick will circulate it… this community is a gift to us all!