Find on enter key on iPhone

On iPhone, I have to press the button “Find” to perform search. If I press enter a new line appears. It would be nice if a “Search on Enter” option could be provided. It’s much faster to press enter key on keyboard to search directly.

But what if you want to search for a text match across multiple lines? i.e. a text string containing a newline character.

Also it is two fields so does it really lend itself to triggering from the first field?

Easy to solve with offering options to users, like “Enter to search on Find field”, “Enter to place cursor in Replace field” and “Enter to add an new line”.

Does that make sense for the existing user interface? I’m not personally sure that it does; but I’m far from an i*OS expert.

However, physical keyboard shortcuts to trigger specific things (fields, buttons) would be appropriate I think.

A suggestion: We can provide these options by adding arguments to editor.showFind(). In that way the existing user interface remains unchanged.

My major concern is Find button is in the upper half part of the screen and tapping it is obviously slower than just pressing enter key. Plus searching a string including ‘\n’ seems low frequency though I don’t have data to prove that.