Draftodon - a Drafts Action Group for Mastodon

:mega: Draftodon v1.4 released :mega:

I just released a new version for Draftodon – my Drafts Action Group for Mastodon.


:new: post from prompt action
:new: post / schedule with hashtags action
:new: import bookmarks action
:new: import favorites action
:new: import from home timeline action
:arrow_upper_right: multiple accounts can now have different character limit settings
:arrow_upper_right: insert hashtag / mention improved

:new: post from prompt action :writing_hand:

If you want to quickly post a status to mastodon just run this action. It will display a prompt and ask you for the status text. It will publish the given text and store it in a new draft.

:new: post / schedule with hashtags actions :label:

Do you use the same hashtags over and over again? Use these actions to append configurable hashtags to the current draft and publishes / schedules it afterwards. Duplicate them for use with different hashtags.

:new: import bookmarks action :books:

Itβ€˜s great that you can bookmark statuses on Mastodon but do you really review them? This action fetches your bookmarks and presents them in a preview. From there you can choose to import one which will create a new draft with the content, some meta information and a link back to the original post

:new: import favorites action :star:

Similar to the import bookmarks action you might want to import recently favorited status? Now you can!

:new: import from home timeline action

Last but not least you can also import a recent status from your home timeline? You donβ€˜t even need to import one you can just view them using this action without getting sucked into a rabbit hole.

:arrow_upper_right: multiple accounts can now have different character limit settings

In previous versions the character limit was a global setting and you couldn’t set different limits for different accounts. Now you can!

:arrow_upper_right: insert hashtag / insert mention improved

These two actions will now activate the editor after the insertion point to stop interrupting your writing flow

If you like this update Iβ€˜d appreciate if you share it with others by boosting the post on mastodon:

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