Change File Action Root Directory or use absolute path


I’m trying to setup an action to prepend to a local file. It seems that drafts uses this directory as the root directory when using the files action: /Users//Library/Containers/com.agiletortoise.Drafts-OSX/Data/Documents/

If I specify another directory, such as /Users//Desktop, it will build the directory structure within Users//Library/Containers/com.agiletortoise.Drafts-OSX/Data/Documents/. Is there a way to specify a different root directory or to force the action to use an absolute path?


Drafts is a Sandboxed app and, as such, only has access to its own container to read/write files.

On the Mac it would be possible to write elsewhere by using AppleScript or Shell Scripting, but it is more intricate to setup.

Or, utilize utilities like Hazel to watch for and move files from Drafts container.