Auto merge/append based on tags?

Hi all

I am wondering if there is a way to auto merge or append a note to a main note based on the presence of a tag. Any Clue? Was thinking of a smart rule type thing or something else but cant find anything on that

the idea is keep a master shopping list, and with the watch app keep capturing new products to add to that. These notes coming from the watch will be tagged watch. Would be great to auto append these captures to the end of the master note…does that make sense?



Drafts does not have any automatic triggering. It would be a pretty lightweight action to write that could query for drafts in the inbox with a certain tag, loop over them and append them to another draft - archiving them as it does it.

That action could be triggered manually periodically to collate captured items - or could be scheduled to run with Shortcuts automation features.

thx @agiletortoise, that sounds great

are there any templates or simple examples for non coders like myself I can look at to see how this is done?
